Keeping the Faith Alive

Help 30 Seminarians in Uganda 

The Diocese of Nebbi is in northern Uganda, in a region that suffered greatly from years of internal warfare, between the Ugandan government and a rebel group called the Lord’s Resistance Army. The fighting began in 1987 and ended in 2006, but its consequences are still evident. Ordinary people have barely managed to build new lives.  

The Catholic Church in Uganda is not only very poor, but challenged in its pastoral work. Within the Diocese of Nebbi, there are many ethnic groups, all with their own language. The Church also promotes reconciliation, as there is a legacy of hatred that seems neverending. Further problems include early marriages, which are often forced, along with poverty, teenage pregnancy, a belief in sorcery, and entrenched opposition to the education of girls. Most of the population scratches a living from whatever crops they can grow themselves.

The diocese urgently needs more priests, who can help people find their way to Christ and to a life grounded in the Gospel. And there are many new vocations. Thirty young men from the diocese are currently preparing for the priesthood. But they mostly come from poor families, and many of them are missing at least one parent. They receive no material support and often work holidays to support their families.

And so, as in the past, we are planning to help these young men, so they can follow the call of God. We have promised a total of $21,146. Will you join us in supporting them?

Code: 158-02-79

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