Keeping the Faith Alive

Persecution Outlook: Mozambique


Christians account for more than half of Mozambique’s 32 million people but are highly vulnerable in certain parts of the country. Since 2017, more than 1,090 jihadist attacks have been reported in Mozambique, leaving Church facilities either damaged or destroyed outright, and forcing nearly a million people to flee (including priests and sisters, who continue pastoral care wherever they go). Additional threats to the population at large are the presence of drug cartels and an ongoing armed conflict between rebels and government forces. And the recent murder of a missionary sister indicates that the violence has a religious dimension. The terrorists want access to Mozambique’s natural resources, but they are also increasingly opposed to Christianity

Projects funded in Mozambique 2021: 77

Construction: 13

Transportation: 14


Mass Stipends: 14

Humanitarian: 9

Media: 1

Bibles: 1

Training of priests: 4

Existence Help: 17

Faith Formation: 4

Our Work in Mozambique: Country Profile

Support the faithful in Mozambique

Bishop António Juliasse Ferreira Sandramo visiting the communities
MOZAMBIQUE / PEMBA 24/00127 / 
Emergency help for the displaced persons in Cape Delgado

Bishop in Mozambique: “Wreckage is all that’s left” 

Bishop António Juliasse of Pemba, in northern Mozambique, visited communities that were attacked by Islamic terrorists and thanked ...
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Mozambique: Christians fleeing terror “only bring what they can carry”

For now, the main concern has been finding shelter and support for the internally displaced. “They are fleeing villages that are reduced to ashes, and ...
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Mozambique, Cabo Delgado November 2020
Fresh massacres by jihadists – number of refugees is growing daily in Cabo Delgado: Refugees after the recent attacks in Cabo Deldado province during COVID-19 pandemic.
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Mozambique: Insurgents target communities, churches

The insurgency in northern Mozambique began in 2017, but attacks have increased this year. In the last few days alone, there have been several raids ...
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Mozambique, Cabo Delgado November 2020
Fresh massacres by jihadists – number of refugees is growing daily in Cabo Delgado: Refugees after the recent attacks in Cabo Deldado province - refugees on a truck

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Mozambique: Terrorists kill 11 Christians

A terrorist group that claims allegiance to ISIS arrived in Naquitengue in the early afternoon and summoned everyone in the village. They then separated the ...
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The sisters are greeted in Domue

Mozambique: 40 years later, religious sisters are back in Dómuè

“Seeing how much the people wanted our presence, after 40 years without women religious, exceeded our expectations. It was a very simple, but very generous, ...
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Mozambique Church pursues interreligious dialogue to stem terrorism

“We are encouraging parish priests to create interreligious groups, and we are providing training in all the northern districts to promote interreligious dialogue and create ...
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Our work and Persecution Outlook

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