Secular Media

Fox News: ACN co-sponsors UN event on religious persecution

"I ran towards the church and saw dead bodies strewn across the floor. There were many body parts hands, heads, legs and hands, moistening church ...

Newsmax: ACNUSA Chairman reflects on significance of Pope’s visit to Arabia

THE FIRST-EVER papal visit to Arabia was a sign of increasing religious tolerance in the ...

Washington Free Beacon cites ACN on plight of Christians in Iraq

VICE PRESIDENT Mike Pence announced two weeks ago that the United States would intensify efforts to deliver ...

LifeZette: Poll says US Catholics are uninformed about persecution

Speaking during a homily at Mass early in 2017, Pope Francis declared there were now ...

ACNUSA chairman condemns Hindu extremism in India

INDIA has been a steady U.S. strategic and economic partner for at least the past ...

PJ Media highlights ACN’s "Persecuted & Forgotten?" 2017 Report

The report is lengthy and comprehensive. In the foreword, Archbishop Issam John Darwish writes about ...
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