The Voice of the suffering in Asia

ACN sends aid to dioceses in Sri Lanka

“Many people have lost their jobs, and prices have risen astronomically. People can afford virtually nothing. Our priests and religious are badly affected by the crisis."

Pakistan: Kidnappings, forced conversions are ‘human rights issue’

Pakistan is one of the countries where the problem is most severe, along with Mozambique, Nigeria, Egypt, Iraq, and Syria.

Bangladesh: the financial challenge of building churches

“Hundreds of Catholics from several villages gathered and jostled for a place to sit, and many were forced to stand outside. The scene stuck in my mind, and I decided to do something about it."

A call for Christians to join the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China

“I invite you to accompany with fervid prayer the Christian faithful in China, our dearest brothers and sisters, whom I carry in the depth of my heart. May the Holy Spirit, protagonist of the Church’s mission in the world, guide them and help them to be bearers of the Good News, witnesses of goodness and charity, and builders of justice and peace in their country.”

Pakistan: ‘I spent eight years on death row after being falsely accused of blasphemy’

“In jail, we were tortured. The officers told my husband that if he did not confess, they would rape me in front of him, and so he confessed, even though we were both innocent."

Victims of Easter bombings in Sri Lanka call on Pope for help

"At first the responsibility was laid at the feet of the Islamic community, but now there are elements that point to a political plot, with connections between certain political groups and the extremists who set off the bombs.”
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