The Voice of the suffering in Asia

Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka–unanswered questions

"My suspicions came up immediately after the attack, because I felt that a ragtag band of youngsters could not have carried out this kind of very professional thing."

In Pakistan, most Christians are relegated to lowliest, demeaning jobs

“In 27 years of service, I have observed that they prefer Christians only as sweepers not as managers. This prejudice runs deep in society even among those educated."

Sri Lanka: Cardinal wants clarity on suspicion of political collusion in Easter Sunday bombings

"They knew beforehand from information they had gathered and also from warnings given by the Indian intelligence services, but they did nothing. In fact, the government seems to have done its best to prevent the arrest of the attackers."

2021: Worst year for Christians in India

“Even offering a gift or free admission or a textbook to a Hindu student by a Christian or a Christian school can be labeled as an attempt at religious conversion and trigger a charge of violating the law."

Pastor, champion of persecuted Christians, is murdered in Pakistan

Pastor Silraj lost his son-in-law in the All Saints’ Church attack and afterwards committed his ministry to reaching out to survivors.

ACN calls for day of prayer for Myanmar on February 1st

ACN wants to remember the dead and intercede for the innocent civilian population, especially for internally displaced persons, including children, women, elderly, and the sick.
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