The Voice of the suffering in Asia

In Pakistan, Christians are ‘the poorest of the poor’

"The main challenge for Christians is education, otherwise they will not have the means to lift themselves out of poverty."

Anti-conversion law foments anti-Christian campaign in central India

“Even an act of Christian charity can be construed as a case of illegally attempted conversion,” Shah said.

Nepal: Local Church is shocked by arrest of two women religious

"The Catholic community views this incident as an attack on minority communities, and an attempt to criminalize in particular Christian missionary activities."

Taliban rule in Afghanistan poses a threat to Pakistan’s Christians

"Such attacks on churches and minority communities illustrate that Pakistan has always been receptive to fundamentalism."

In India, a priest is acquitted of attempting ‘forcible religious conversion’

"The seminary has been there for over 25 years and we have never forced anyone to convert."
Afghanistan, Sister Shahnaz Bhatti, working at a school for students with intellectual disabilities and Down’s syndrome

Shahnaz Bhatti: testimony of a Catholic nun who served in Afghanistan

"The most trying thing was not being able to move about freely, because, as women, we always had to be accompanied by a man."
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