The Voice of the suffering in Asia

Christian Afghan: ‘After the Taliban killed my parents, I fled Afghanistan when I was eight’

"One day I came home from school to find that the Taliban had destroyed our home and killed my parents. My brother and I were forced to flee Afghanistan."

Missionary: ‘our exit from Afghanistan was a real miracle’

"If we hadn’t left on that day, we might quite possibly not have been able to get away."

Taliban-linked threat in Pakistan: churches increase security

"Now that the Taliban are back, it will strengthen Islamist groups and so there could be attacks.”

Seminarian in Indonesia Returns to medicine During Pandemic

"I believed that God would surely keep me safe if he wanted me to continue my service. And if I had to die, I would die in peace."

Living in fear and misery after church attacks in Bangladesh

"As the attacks took place, I fled to the forest with my family out of fear."

In Afghanistan, a dark future for religious freedom

"All those who do not espouse the extreme Islamist views of the Taliban are at risk, even moderate Sunni."
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