The Voice of the suffering in Asia

India in the grip of COVID-19: ‘It is only our faith that keeps us going’

"The importance of pastoral work in this time of crisis cannot be exaggerated. The more we do, the more is needed."

Christians are cast aside in Bangladesh

"In the marketplace and in restaurants, separate plates, glasses and cups are reserved for ethnic indigenous peoples; Muslims and Hindus won’t use the same utensils as we do."

Catholics in Vietnam fight evictions

“We were accused of fighting against the government, and appropriating public land and dwellings without government permits. The parents of some students were also denounced by teachers at schools."

Facing sedition charges, priest in Philippines fights on

"We are just here to tell the truth, and basically this is our sacred duty as Christians to help the poor. It would even be more of a scandal if we remained quiet amid these evils of killings and human rights abuses."

Flash floods, landslides traumatize Catholics in Indonesia

“I am completely traumatized by what happened that night. I told doctors that I could not think of anything. Just a blank mind."

In Pakistan, Christian families face destruction of their homes

"We are being made homeless. Our law suppresses the weak in service of the powerful. Our dreams have been broken.”
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