The Voice of the suffering in Asia

Miara Shahbaz

Britain’s Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief receives Pakistan girl’s asylum petition

“In line with Britain’s generous policy of providing refuge and safety to those most vulnerable, I hope that Maira and her family will be afforded the opportunity of living in the safety that we would all expect for ourselves.”
Cardinal Bo

Cardinal speaks out on military coup in Myanmar

"Let there be no violence against our dear people of Myanmar."
Azroo Raja

Pakistani Catholic family fights against forced conversion of their daughter

"That same night the investigating officer told me that she had accepted Islam. I was shaken to the core."   
Imran Masih

In Pakistan, Imran finally walks free after 11 years

"The question I must ask is who is responsible for his having to spend more than 11 years behind bars for a crime he never committed.”
l-r Ramesh Bashir, Naz Bano, Bashir Emmanuel

Pakistani Catholic family prays for canonization of martyred son

"He was ready to sacrifice his life if God gave him a chance to protect others."
Sonia Bubi (ACN-Sajid Christopher

Pakistan: Christian woman murdered for refusing to convert and marry

"Sonia’s killing demonstrates the mortal danger girls and young women—especially those from Christian and other minority backgrounds—face in situations where they are under pressure to marry and abandon their faith."
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