The Voice of the suffering in Asia

Maira (l) and Ms. Shafique

In Pakistan, a struggle for justice for kidnapped Catholic girl takes a fresh turn

"Maira will always be considered an apostate from Islam in the eyes of Mr. Nakash and mob groups, and they will continue to demand that she be killed.”
Asia Bibi

Asia Bibi calls on Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan to protect minorities

"I appeal to the Prime Minister of Pakistan—especially for the victims of the blasphemy laws and the girls who have been forcibly converted—to safeguard and protect the minorities, who are also Pakistani citizens."
Amjad (l) and family

After wrongful imprisonment, a Catholic in Pakistan tells his story

"At the police station, officers abused, slapped and tortured us with batons, charging us with burning Muslims. They snatched rosaries from three of us and threw them on the floor."

Pakistan: 14-year-old Catholic girl flees her kidnapper’s house

“They threatened to murder my whole family. My life was at stake in the hands of the accused and Nakash repeatedly raped me forcefully.”
Pope Francis' visit to Myanmar (2017)

In Myanmar, religious leaders are called to be peace builders

"This coming election is very important because it involves a choice between the old system, with its exclusive culture, and an inclusive culture."
Touring sisters

In India, thanks to a new scooter, ‘touring sisters’ get a boost

“Since Sister Shobka Rani has had the scooter, she has been able to double the number of visits  to villages,”
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