The Voice of the suffering in Asia

Miara Shahbaz

Pakistan: for kidnapped Catholic girl, calamity in the courtroom

“With this ruling, no Christian girl in Pakistan is safe. It is unbelievable. What we have seen yesterday is an Islamic judgment. The arguments we put forward were very strong and cogent.”
Poster shows Jadeem Joseph

Pakistan: Christian man is murdered for living in a Muslim neighborhood

“What kind of mentality is this? I really have no answer for it. I don’t know if people in the West can understand what a difficult situation we [Christians] have to face here on account of our faith.”
Father Soganub (2018)

In the Philippines, the passing of a martyr for peace

"His efforts in interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding, culminating in his extraordinary witness of great faith during his kidnapping, provided us with inspiration and a great affection for this man."

In Pakistan, hope for kidnapped Catholic girl forced to marry Muslim captor

“If the police and the courts know that people in the West are paying attention, they will be under more pressure to follow the law rather than give into extremist groups who are not favorable to Christians.”
Aid packages for the poor

In Pakistan, aid for poor Christian families coping with pandemic

“This aid that you at ACN has given has helped save the people from starvation. Many of them had nothing to put on the table to feed their families and they were in a very scary situation.”
Cardinal Yeom Soo-jung

Seoul’s cardinal announces the consecration of Pyongyang to Our Lady of Fatima

“North Korea is widely considered the most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian.” The profession of Christianity, which is seen as “Western,” is “severely punished” in the country.
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