The Voice of the suffering in Asia

Pakistan: Christians, other religious minorities are denied COVID-19 aid

He called on the Pakistan government to provide masks, gloves and other COVID-19 protective equipment for sanitary workers and domestic workers—many of whom are Christians.

The Catholic Church in Cambodia: a small community comes into its own

“We are gradually getting a feel for how art, evangelization and respect for the culture can all work together to help us understand one another.”

One year after Easter bombings in Sri Lanka, priest demands justice

"We feel as if we are betrayed. Just to arouse the emotions of the people, the representatives of the government say something about the investigations [into the bombings]. It is only a good slogan for the next election.”

One year later, Christians have forgiven perpetrators of Sri Lanka attack

"‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,’ and throughout the past year, every Sunday, [our seminarians] have repeated these same words… Yes, we can indeed say that we have forgiven the terrorists.”

Sri Lanka after the Easter bombs: “We loved those who killed us”

"We had pity on them and asked them not to repeat such things. We have taught them that lesson, not hating anyone in any way. This is what civilization means and that is the Resurrection."
Members of a Small Christian Community

India—suffering and consolation in the time of COVID-19

"While still adhering to the measures imposed, they are seeking out those in need and giving them food. They are helping everyone—Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Muslims—without any discrimination whatsoever.”
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