The Voice of the suffering in Asia

In India, millions protest discriminatory citizenship act

“These are extremely bad times for Christians in India. We have had consistent attacks on pastors, priests and lay Christians.  Church property is targeted. And there is intimidation, harassment and denigration of Christians by Hindu nationalist groups."

Pakistan: victim of forced conversion to Islam might testify in court—a first

It is the first case of forced conversion to Islam and forced marriage ever to come before a Pakistani High Court; and it is the first time that the Child Marriage Restraint Act has been cited in court.

India: a sister who suffered sexual assault in the course of massacre of Christians, has rebounded to ‘bring her people hope’

“I am grateful for my life, my strength, and my sense of purpose, all of which were given to me by God. He is my strength, even as my trial drags on. And He has empowered me to serve others."

Pakistan: abductor threatens parents of kidnapped Christian girl

"The [parents] are too poor to be able to afford the legal expenses to bring such cases to court. The result is that the abductors have an easy time of it, often thanks to the complicity of the police themselves who, instead of encouraging the parents to pursue the case, actually help abductors by advising them about the legal loopholes they can make use of.”

Christians disappearing from Syria, Iraq—a call for global intervention

“Persecuted & Forgotten?” warns that the Church in the region could vanish if radical Islamists were to mount another attack on vulnerable communities—a threat highlighted by reports of jihadists escaping prison, as a result of renewed violence in northeastern Syria.

Fox News: ACN co-sponsors UN event on religious persecution

"I ran towards the church and saw dead bodies strewn across the floor. There were many body parts hands, heads, legs and hands, moistening church floor with blood. There was lamentation and screaming of the people looking for loved ones. Such a horrible sight."
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