The Voice of the suffering in Asia

In Indonesia, a teenager is grateful for construction of ‘real’ church

"Now we are building a real church, the church that we’ve been missing for 17 years."

Asia Bibi: acquittal of blasphemy charge could be close, says family

“[The judgment] may come tomorrow. It may come after two or three days but I am sure it will be favorable.”
A Christian processino in Faisalabad, Pakistan

Pakistan Christian is thrown off roof for refusing to embrace Islam

"In Pakistan, it is difficult to receive justice if you are a member of a religious minority. Many members of minority groups are not even aware that they have the same rights as Muslims."

Indonesia: the life of a Catholic teen in an ocean of Muslims

“I am happy to live my life as a young Catholic. Although we are a minority—with people around us who are all Muslims—we can live together."

For Indian Catholic, bitter memories a decade after deadly Hindu violence

“Though so many died and despite all the destruction of property, no one betrayed Christ. We stood firm in our faith. We were able to face this terror only because God was with us. "

In Pakistan, Catholic teenager prays for peace, security

"We are considered the lowest ranking members of society, people with whom Muslims are not allowed to eat or drink. School text books paint a terrible picture of Christians, too."
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