The Voice of the suffering in Asia

Christians in India suffer from attacks by radical Hindus

Modi's ministers have repeatedly emphasized their support for measures intended to "protect" the Hindu religion, the bishop said. In the eyes of Hindu nationalists, religious minorities are seen as a threat, especially Muslims and Christians.

Archbishop asks for prayers after attack on Christians in Pakistan

“When we see these atrocities happening one after another, we very much depend on the spiritual communion that we have with friends and benefactors of Aid to the Church in Need. When we are tempted to lose hope, we are reminded that, through your compassion and prayers, you are with us, by our side.”

In India, the Church serves all, fighting discrimination on all fronts

"Dalits are considered outcasts or untouchables—even coming under their shadow is considered to make someone impure.The Church strives to eradicate caste-ism. It promotes and upholds the equal dignity and rights of every citizen."

Repairing Christian-Muslim ties in devastated Filipino city

"Just as in other countries where Christians are only a small minority among Muslims, such as is the case in Pakistan, Christians in Marawi have always tried to establish a good relationship with their Muslim neighbors.

In Pakistan, God shines a light into Catholic girl’s fearful existence

“There are Christians in the West? I thought that only Muslims were living in the West; but if that is so why do those Christians not come here to relieve our problems and suffering?"

In Indonesia, Jesuit pastor forgives Muslim assailant

"I am not afraid, nor do I get angry. I reflect that this is like David and Goliath. Giant Goliath comes with a long sword, while David is unarmed. David only relies on the intervention and protection of God. A shepherd cannot run away from his sheep."
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