The Voice of the suffering in Asia

Christians call for prayers as new fighting breaks out in Myanmar

“We heard of strong attacks in several dioceses. Recent days have seen a significant escalation in violence and displacement, and we have received an increasing number of urgent requests for prayer.”

Pakistan: The West must demand justice for Jaranwala Christians

The international community's pressure is vital to prosecuting those responsible for the attacks. Pakistan relies on Western nations for trade and aid, so it will be open to their intervention.

Pakistan: ACN provides emergency relief for victims of Jaranwala riots

Miraculously, no Christians were killed in the attacks, but hundreds of families fled and were forced to stay with relatives or even out in the fields. They lost their livelihoods and all their possessions.

India: ‘If the government does not intervene, this could go on for months’

“They vandalized and destroyed everything, and then they went away, And when the fire was put out, they came back again, to make sure that the church was destroyed."

Pope consoles small Catholic flock in Mongolia

"Every human being is related to others, and the Pope has used the word “communion” repeatedly. This communion is more than just an act; it is really a way of being. And whenever something touches a part of the Church, it touches all of us."

Pope Francis makes historic trip to Mongolia

Unlike its neighbor China, Mongolia enjoys extensive religious freedom. However, the challenges of rapid economic and social change have made some local authorities wary of religion, hence the importance of the visit.
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