The Voice of the suffering in Asia

India: Archbishop calls for peace in Manipur

Archbishop Lumon added that his community has been “cut off from the rest of the world” for the last three months, because of an “Internet and social media ban imposed by the government ever since communal violence erupted in the state.”

A Christian nurse from Pakistan flees to the West

Of the assault itself, she recalled, “The mob wanted to kill me, but I kept praying to Jesus. I opened my eyes and felt that I saw angels, and from that moment on, I knew that I would be saved.”

Desecration of Quran in Sweden sparks Muslim protests

And as has happened in similar cases previously, an offense against Muslims in Europe is having serious repercussions for Christian communities in Muslim-majority countries.  

Defender of religious freedom stops mob in Pakistan

"I once thought interfaith dialogue was something we do, but it is what we are. I once thought diversity was something we were, but it is what we do. We are all one, and [we are all] brothers."

Myanmar: ACN calls for prayers for new bishop

When protests began in Loikaw in May 2021, he acted as mediator between the unarmed protesters, many of whom were Christians, and security forces.

India: Hindu nationalism drives interreligious clashes

The report by the Archdiocese of Imphal openly questions the role that state security forces have played in the conflict. “It is hard to say if the state forces were outnumbered or overwhelmed with calls for help, or if they were complicit."
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