Help for 22 Seminarians in India 

The Catholic Church in northeast India is still relatively young and took root at the end of the 19th century. Indeed, in many parts of this region, the Catholic presence dates back no more than a few decades.  

One of the younger dioceses in this part of India is Bongaigaon, first established in the year 2000. There are approximately 74,000 Catholics in the diocese today, most of whom belong to the indigenous Bodo tribal people. But there are at least a dozen different languages spoken within the diocese, which has 37 parishes and 650 additional outstations.  

And there are 94 priests, who minister to the faithful with great zeal. But their work is not easy. At the outstations, people wait for the sacraments and for pastoral support. Their faith needs to be nourished and confirmed, and they need counsel and help in the many problems that face them in their lives. But these territories are inaccessible and subject to frequent flooding. More priests in the area are urgently needed.  

The local church is blessed with many home-grown vocations, and 22 young men from the diocese of Bongaigaon are currently training for the priesthood. But they themselves are from poor, indigenous families who have no way of financially supporting their sons in their studies. 

For many years, we have helped the diocese of Bongaigaon with the training of her future priests, and Bishop Thomas Pulloppillil has written to thank us: “Our diocese is deeply indebted to ACN. The training of our seminarians is our most pressing concern, and we are hoping that we can continue to count on your friendship and support.”  

We are planning to help again this year and have already promised $9,716, so that these 22 young men can continue with their training. Will you join us in helping them? 

Code: 317-02-79

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