The Voice of the suffering in Latin America

A policeman needs to have his life in order, as death lurks around the corner

"The work of a policeman, the primary material, if you will forgive me putting it like this, is life and liberty. He is a servant of life."

Haiti’s bishops condemn assassination of president, spiral of violence

“This sad event marks an unfortunate turning point in the history of our people.”

ACN-sponsored short film on young faithful’s plight in Nicaragua wins award

his testimony helped me appreciate the efforts of every young person who chose to remain faithful to the Gospel message without fear of the consequences."

In Peru, lay missionaries help the destitute of the Amazon rainforest

"I consider myself to be extremely fortunate, because in Amazonia you can live closer to God, and by working with the simple and humble people living here, you can actually touch Him.”

Pope Francis wants to visit Venezuela

"I pray to God for reconciliation and peace among Venezuelans. I would love to come and visit you.”

In Latin America, dozens of priests are dying of COVID-19

"They fulfilled their mission as ‘Doctors of the Soul,' doing so knowing that, they ran the risk of infecting themselves and, dying.”
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