The Voice of the suffering in Latin America

Haiti: Masses and bells against kidnappings

“The majority of the abducted people are humiliated, raped and tortured. Some of them do not find their way back to normal. When does this Way of the Cross end?"
Chaos in Haiti (Digital-Democracy)

Priests, women religious among 10 Catholics kidnapped in Haiti

“The Church in Haiti has a prophetic mission. She must denounce the terrible conditions. So it is quite possible that she is a thorn in the side of some of these politicians."
Chaos in Haiti (Digital-Democracy)

Haiti bishops warn of catastrophe

"In the succession of Christ, the Church is always on the side of law, truth, justice and respect for life and human dignity."
Religious procession in Amazonas

A brutal battle against COVID-19 in Brazil

“The biggest difficulties are the sheer distances and the problem of access to the hospitals equipped for helping the most severely ill."
A mural of coomunist hero Che Guevara in Havana

Catholics call for renewal of communist Cuba

“This people, many years ago, turned its back on God, and when a people turns its back on God, it cannot walk.” 
Bishop Azuaje

In Venezuela, a bishop’s last plea for peace and justice

“This year the embrace of God is more powerful than ever for all the children of this land, orphaned of embraces. His weeping was the announcement of peace and the passage from suffering to glory … God with us and us with God.”
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