The Voice of the suffering in Latin America

Archbishop in Haiti: “Our people want to live”

"I am now starting my sixth year as the archbishop of Port-au-Prince, and it is really very difficult. Until now, I have not been able to achieve even a quarter of what I had intended, because one must cope with daily life – and this daily life consists of suffering, violence, gunfights, poverty, and deprivation."

Bishops of Haiti plead for an end to violence

In their message, the bishops encourage all national agencies and players to find a solution to the current crisis and to restore peace and security for all Haitians. They also ask for the establishment of an inclusive transitional government, capable of ensuring true national harmony.

Patagonia, Argentina is mission country

Perhaps the greatest challenge is the distance between communities. The new diocese covers about 40,000 square miles, an area larger than Austria or Portugal. The reality the bishop describes can require extreme sacrifice.

Venezuela celebrates first Lourdes pilgrimage in the Americas

Tony has been going on this pilgrimage since he was three months old. “There are pictures of me being carried along,” he says, his voice tinged with emotion. “I am encouraged by my love for Mary, with the title of Our Lady of Lourdes, and I thank God for allowing me to accompany Our Heavenly Mother on this pilgrimage every year.”

Haiti: Six kidnapped sisters released

“With the community of the Sisters of Saint Anne and the Haitian Conference of Religious, the Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince gives thanks to the Lord for the release of the six Sisters and the other people kidnapped with them on January 19. This traumatic event once again tested our faith, but it remains unshakeable."

Sowing the seeds of the Gospel in the Amazon

“I have never left this place. I know nothing of the world, but I believe in God. He gives me eternal life. I called the friars here to baptize my children. I don’t want anybody to die without getting to know God. Now, the names of all my children are written in Heaven.”
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