The Voice of the suffering in Latin America

Colombia: Being the compassionate face of God

"Whenever I see a hungry child I remember, there is Christ. It is my duty, as a Christian, to make sure the cihld is fed. Jesus is always present.”

Venezuela: Despite difficulties, the Church is alive and joyful

"A public health or education worker, for instance, makes around $6 or $12 per month, but the average cost of living for a family of five is around $200 per month."

An adventure of faith in the Amazon

“Accidents are part of life. Once we saw what seemed to be a tree that had been swept into the river by a storm. When we got closer it opened its eyes. It was an enormous alligator. My heart almost leapt out of my mouth."

Haiti: kidnapping of priest is ‘outrageous’

Faced with this “painful and outrageous” event, the provincial of the Clerics of Saint Viator uses terms such as “violence” and “anarchy” to describe the “dark hour” the country is experiencing.

Chile sees another arson attack on a church

The attackers left pamphlets and a banner claiming the attack and warning about future violent actions. “Every bullet you fire will be returned. Temucuicui resists."

Nicaragua’s ‘Way of the Cross’

"Demonstrations of popular piety such as the Way of Cross or processions have been forbidden and can no longer go from parishes out into the streets, as has always happened before."
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