The Voice of the suffering in Latin America

‘An attempt to silence the Church in Nicaragua’

“These events represent a further escalation in a spiral of confrontation. There is no easy solution. We must pray that there may be a peaceful solution and not a further increase in hostilities."

Cuba: ‘The worst poverty is lack of freedom’

"If you raise your voice to tell the truth they will turn on you, defame you. Prison sentences have increased."

Nicaragua: worst hit by religious persecution in Latin America

The study estimates that the figures it presents are lower than the actual number of attacks. “Cases were found where the priests were so tired of the thefts and desecrations that they only filed complaints about the last of them. Others opted for silence, since they no longer believe in the legal system."

Two Jesuit priests are murdered in Mexico

"Everyday men and women are arbitrarily killed, as our priests were murdered today. The Jesuits in Mexico will continue to speak out against this reality which causes so much harm to society. We will remain, and continue to work for the mission of justice, reconciliation, and peace, through our pastoral, educational and social work."

2022 Benefactors’ Day: portrait of a donor in Brazil

He doesn’t need to do this work, although it is a way of helping the local recycling team. Once all the material has been converted into cash, it becomes a donation to ACN, a precious gift for the suffering Church that comes from sacrifice itself.

Nicaragua: bishop goes on hunger strike to protest police harassment

Bishop Álvarez, who has taken refuge during in the parish of Santo Cristo de las Colinas, in Managua, accused the police of having set up roadblocks to prevent priests from reaching the parish to celebrate Mass with him.
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