The Voice of the suffering in Latin America

Church in Latin America faces aggressive secularism, polarization

"In many of these countries there is an aggressive tendency which seeks to silence the voice of the Church, especially on family and prolife issues. Many of our project partners have told us that in their countries there is a polarization of society, with increasingly large groups characterized by their extremist positions."

Kidnapping of priest highlights ongoing crisis in Haiti

“The deterioration of the situation in the country is due to the multiplication of armed gangs, the constant cases of kidnapping, the ubiquitous insecurity, inflation, especially the rise in the prices of essential goods, bloody incidents and a flood of upheavals and acts of cruelty.”
Chaos in Haiti (Digital-Democracy)

Haiti bishops issue urgent appeal for unity

“Our dear Haiti is crossing a difficult stage in its history. Who is going to finally stop her descent into hell? The Haitian people really cannot do it anymore. They are tired, worn out, exhausted.”

‘Be quiet so that God may defend you’—kidnapped sister is free at last

As regards the suffering, she often remembered the teachings of her order’s foundress, the Blessed Caridad Brader, “Be quiet so that God may defend you,”

In Venezuela, crisis has brought many closer to the Church

"We are here to serve the people, especially the poorest. Our role and commitment are to act as a presence that can bring light to the situation, inspired by the Gospel."

Haiti: ‘We are still in the first phase of our emergency aid efforts’

"The precarious situation makes it impossible to travel to the country, which means that we cannot experience the situation first-hand. Our communication is limited to the internet or the telephone."
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