The Voice of the suffering in Latin America

Massive influx of Haitian migrants triggers crisis in Mexico

"Behind these migrant caravans there are an infinite number of private interests, institutions and non-governmental organizations that have made these migrants into an industry for their own personal benefit.”

In Chile, young people are helping rebuild a vandalized church

The images of the church tower collapsing in a sea of flames shocked not only the local people and the Catholic faithful, but the whole country.

In Brazil, a boat brings Christ to the people

“This boat helps us to get to the riverside communities much more quickly."

Statistics offer ‘no more than a hint of the suffering endured’ by Haitian population

"There is also a need to provide the bishop and his closest collaborators with a roof over their heads, since they have lost everything."

ACN commits $600,000 in emergency aid for Haiti in wake of earthquake

"It is an impossible situation, and the people are in total shock."

The challenges facing the Church on the world’s most Catholic continent

We need to protect the indigenous peoples and accompany them in their faith, while respecting their customs, languages and values,” insists D’Aqui.
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