Mass Stipends for Priests in Zimbabwe 

For the Church, Africa is a continent of hope. Not only is the number of faithful growing, but the number of priests is, too. In fact, many priests worldwide now come from Africa.  

The priests live their vocation with joy and commitment, though their conditions are often difficult. In the Diocese of Masvingo, in south-east Zimbabwe, there are just 65 priests for about a quarter of a million Catholic faithful, and the region is over 27,000 square miles. The distances they travel are enormous, and the greater part of the diocese is rural.  

Plus, a severe drought hit southern Africa this year, and the Zimbabwean government declared a state of disaster. The harvest is only half of what is usually expected, and the people are poorer than ever. Of course, the Church is affected, too.  

Bishop Raymond Mupandasekwa has been in charge of the diocese since December 2023 and faces numerous challenges. Just like his predecessor, he is particularly concerned about his priests. It worries him that most of the parishes are extremely poor and can barely support their priests. He, too, is empty-handed, though he would gladly help if he could. 

Many of his priests are working in remote and inaccessible regions. Some of them attempt to grow their own crops, but this takes time, and their pastoral work suffers as a result. The priests serve multiple parishes at the same time, many of which are separated by a long distance. They spend hours traveling so they can administer the sacraments, visit the sick, give religious instruction, and keep up with their other duties. They cannot simultaneously work the land and minister intensively to the faithful.  

And so Bishop Mupandasekwa has turned to ACN. He is requesting Mass stipends, which have already been a decisive help for the priests of his diocese. So once again, we are planning to send them your Mass offerings. You will be making a precious contribution to their priestly ministry, and they will be happy to celebrate a Mass for your intentions. Warmest thanks in advance for your help! 

Code: 144-01-masses

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