The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

‘Absolute despair’ in Syria as country is hit by two earthquakes

“The Church in Syria is shocked by the catastrophe. Even as far away as Beirut, people went down to the streets, worried that another explosion was about to unsettle their country. For now, the Church is checking on its people and families."

New convent beckons Christians to return to Iraq

The jihadist terror group was eventually defeated, but the buildings, including two important churches, were almost destroyed, and the population scattered, some to refugee camps, while others emigrated.

Syria: From prisoner to archbishop

It is hard to scare a man who spent months locked in a bathroom, threatened daily with death and who was even subjected to a mock execution for refusing to renounce his faith.

Lebanon: Catholic schools are in ‘survival mode’

“I am married, I have three kids. If I am only a teacher, nowadays, I cannot give them what they need. I need to juggle more jobs to provide for them. This takes time from me, so I cannot prepare my classes as much as I used to."

Syria: ‘May the Lord forgive them, that is all I can say’

One of the school’s students, 15-year-old Christine, was returning home from school with a classmate when a bomb detonated near them. Christine lost a foot, but her friend was killed.

This Christmas, solidarity with the Christians of Lebanon and Syria

"Our project partners sometimes feel despondent and tired, they think the world has forgotten them, but they retain a glimmer of hope, because they know we are with them, and that our benefactors are answering the call."
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