The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

Syrian Christians fear imminent Turkish ground incursion

The Turks justify this intervention by saying that it is to protect their borders, to a depth of 20 miles along northern Syria. They want to prevent the establishment of a Kurdish state by the PKK, which is threatening the Turkish state and could prepare attacks on their country.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the suffering people of Lebanon

In contemplating the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we find light, strength, courage and comfort in these exceptional times. Like us, she experienced great changes from her youth. With an open heart she accepted the upheavals in her life: contradictions, mystery, incomprehension. She was open to hearing the voice of the Spirit. She was adaptable and receptive, to give flesh to Jesus. Her heart and her eyes are directed towards Him.

Lebanon: ‘People in Tyre were always poor, but now they are below zero’

Then the Lebanese financial crisis hit, and the local currency began to crash. In a short time, the pound diminished in value around 20 times, but prices of most goods, including fuel, stayed the same, or even rose. Unable to afford fuel, Salim had to return his car and leave the taxi business.

Christian students in Lebanon: ‘We feel our country doesn’t want us’

Imagine a country where overnight your savings vanished, and your salary was worth 20 times less than the day before. Imagine your parents worked hard to get you through university, but now can’t afford the tuition.

Young Christians from all over Syria gather, hopeful about the future

“I am a Syrian Christian living in Syria, and I want to stay in my country and serve it through my experience and skills.”

‘Syrians are too poor to pay for surgery,’ says Aleppo archbishop

An increasing number of people die for lack of medication, the impossibly high cost of surgery and the general destruction of hospitals and clinics.
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