The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

On Bahrain trip, pope will pursue dialogue with islam

“Dialogue at the intellectual or theological level is not easy, because it is difficult to find a common language. How can we go forward and create a base, without giving up our identity?"

Country in crisis, Christian school doubles down on its mission

But parents were aware of the crushing financial crisis that has sunk the country’s economy over the past few years. How could they not be? Many of them had found themselves unable to meet their obligations, including paying tuition.

Restored church gives hope to Christians who want to stay in Iraq

“The restoration of this church is a symbol of resistance, to remain in this land, to bear witness. Pope Francis visited us just over a year ago, and he asked us to bear witness in this land."

Maronite Patriarch laments Lebanon’s political stalemate

“Lebanon is like a sick person who sees that he has gangrene on his hand and does nothing, and then gets a disease in his chest, in his arm, and refuses treatment."

Syria: Pilgrimage of the icon of ‘Our Lady of Sorrows, Consoler of Syrians’ draws to a close

During the ceremony the executive president of ACN will place at the feet of Our Lady a book with a list with the names of the 1,271 Christians who were killed in the civil war between 2011 and 2022.

ACN will help 200 schools in Lebanon keep their doors open

"These institutions play a vital role in maintaining relations between Christians and Muslims in Lebanon that are an example of coexistence for the entire Middle East."
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