The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

ACN increases support for Christians in Syria

The newly approved projects cover a variety of fields, from direct economic and food support for poor families to scholarships. ACN will be paying for summer camps for children and the disabled and provide essential aid for the elderly and the sick, in a country where families earn around 21 dollars per month but need at least around 160 dollars to survive.

In Syria and Lebanon, ‘the sisters go to the dark places where others cannot’

“There is much abuse of all kinds targeting children and women. Divorce and suicide are increasing. ... We heard of a woman who tried to throw herself from a bridge because she had no way to feed her children. People talked her down, but for how long? We need a solution."

Christians look with hope and concern at Lebanon’s parliamentary elections

“The Church wants Lebanon to be truly independent and the Lebanese government to have full authority over all of Lebanon. We want equality and prosperity for all Lebanese regardless of their religion.

ACN calls on international community to help Iraq attain stability and economic development

The past few decades have been very hard on Christians in Iraq. Economic and political uncertainty, coupled with large-scale persecution that culminated in the rise of the Islamic State, led to a massive exodus which reduced the Christian population from over 1 million to between 150,000 and 250,000 today.

In Iraq, a new Catholic school of hope and recovery opens its doors

“We are building the character of the students to be leaders in society, taking responsibility and developing a plan to remain in this country."

Resurrection Day on Iraq’s Nineveh Plains

The extremists sprayed anti-Christian graffiti on the walls of the nearby Chapel of the Immaculate Conception.The slogans, some in German, read: “O, you [expletive] slaves of the Cross, we will kill you all… You dirty people, you do not belong here.”
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