The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

Christian home in Iraq is fire-bombed

“We wonder, who cares about us and our suffering, as we are citizens among the people of this country.”

Neutrality key to Lebanon’s stability, says former President Sleiman

"Lebanon is not an independent or free country anymore due to the Iranian interference in Lebanese affairs carried out by Hezbollah."

Patriarch: ‘Christians in Lebanon will be extinct if West does nothing’

"We can’t convince them to stay because they say, ‘How can we endure this situation? There is no hope for our future.’"

Students in Lebanon ask children everywhere to join them in prayer

"We want “We want to encourage as many children as possible to entrust themselves to the power of prayer."

Iraq: Ankawa, home of the Christians, comes of age

“The decision to make Ankawa a separate district will, we hope, be an important step forwardfor the future of Christianity in Iraq.”

In Lebanon and Syria, poverty stalks the Christian community

“During the war at least, they expected it to end at some point, but now, what can [Syrian Christians] expect?”
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