The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

Taliban takeover in Afghanistan emboldens Iraqi extremists

"It is definitely true that the mentality of ISIS still exists in Iraq and Syria among certain parts of the population.”

Sister Clara’s dream for the future of children in Iraq comes true

“Our goal was to offer young people a place of reconciliation and healing after being displaced by ISIS and living for so many years as refugees."

Lebanon holds a message of hope for the future of Christians in the Middle East

"All Arab countries forbid Muslims to convert to Christianity, so our message to the Middle East is that we have to preserve religious freedom."

In Lebanon, a Carmelite monastery attracts Christians and Muslims alike

"This particular statue of the Virgin, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, ... attracts many people from all the Christian denominations, and many Muslims as well."

Lebanon is in ‘hell’

My mother is old and she needs all kinds of daily medications. My brother is diabetic and has vision problems. They both need special care, and I am no longer able to provide such care."

Young Iraqis are starting new lives in their homeland

“Our life is not without risk, but life won’t stop, risk or no risk. We have to keep going.”
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