The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

ACN welcomes ‘Day of Peace’ initiative for the Middle East

"May God heal the wounds of the Middle East! May the Holy Family shield, protect and safeguard the Christians of the Middle East!"

Historic church is due to reopen in Lebanon

“Due to the explosion which occurred on August 4th 2020, Saint Joseph’s Church was severely damaged."

Pope calls Lebanese bishops to Rome to discuss their country’s crisis

“Sadly, we note how Lebanon has largely disappeared from the attention of the world in recent months. Yet the suffering of its people continues."

Syrian prelate blasts sanctions for crippling his country

“Outside laws which penalize states and people who dare to send help to Syria add to the unjust sanctions and multiply the shortages.”

In Syria, a prayer service for two abducted bishops

"This event is sad for all of us. But with the Grace of God and the solidarity of our brothers and sisters, we have hope. God is the almighty and everything is possible by His Grace.”

Papal visit to Iraq’s largest Catholic town boosts hopes that Christians will return

“For Christians here, as well as those living as refugees in Europe and America, this visit gives them hope. With the Pope’s visit, we feel that we are not alone. We feel that we are safe because someone cares about us.”
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