The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

Archbishop Chahda

In Aleppo, Syria, a Mass in gratitude for ACN donors

"Your support makes the families stay in the country."
Georgette and Charbel

In Lebanon, a daily struggle to feed three grandchildren

“The situation of the Christians in Lebanon is uncertain, but Jesus is always with us and nobody can throw us out from here."
Archbishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh

In Syria, the passing of a fighter for hope

“I was raised an orphan; the Church was my mother. Now all of us in Syria feel like orphans.”
Archbishop Warda

Pope’s visit to Iraq will offer local Church a lifeline

“The visit will not just be important for the Christians, but for all the minorities of Iraq, including the Yazidis with whom we have shared so much pain in these last years.”
Archbishop Semaan says Mass in Qaraqosh

Iraqi Church welcomes 2021 papal visit

"The Pope’s decision to visit is a sign of the Holy Spirit at work.”
Jad holds Nabil

In Lebanon, Nabil is a Christmas miracle baby

"For being close to Christ means shouldering his cross. My son has lived that reality since the 15th minute of his life."
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