The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

Seyed Mohammad Mahdi

A Christian convert from Iran—‘the Bible is all that I have’

"I wanted to become a Christian, but this is a long and hard journey. In my country Muslims are forbidden to change religion."
Destruction in Beirut

Lebanon: ‘They count on us for help—both spiritual and financial’

"I was really inspired by the example and the will of many, many people, especially the young, to helping the most affected by the blast."

Food packages bring ray of hope to Beirut

“If I were to go to the supermarket and purchase the least of these products, I would not have enough cash left to survive the rest of the month."
Sister Marie Justine

Lebanon in crisis: ‘we need a miracle’

“Our mission is to stand by the people, to lift them up and give them a dosage of positivity and hope. To tell them that God is with us, that better days are coming.”
Clean up

Beirut, we will not abandon you

"We want to show them that, through our assistance, there is future for Christians in a country which for so long has been a beacon of Christianity for the Middle East and beyond.”
Khalis Ayshoa

The Christians of Iraq ‘may again face martyrdom’

"Then there is the ongoing presence of Iran-backed militias that pose a danger to the future of the minorities, and Christian militias cannot turn the tide."
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