The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

Solar panels for Church in Lebanon and Syria

Naturally, this affects the  Church. Parishes and communities are unable to provide services to the faithful; heating is limited;; and the Church’s social projects, including orphanages, nursing homes, schools, and kindergartens struggle to operate in darkness. Food poisoning is also rampant due to a lack of refrigeration.

ACN fights Christian exodus in Syria and Lebanon

Both Muslims and Christians are leaving, but the number of Christians in Syria is so small that their departure would call into question the very existence of Christianity in the country. According to current estimates, only around 175,000 Christian families remain.

SAT-7: A lifeline for Christians in Muslim countries

The channel goes to great lengths to make sure none of its viewers are put in danger, and those who work in the head offices are trained to detect infiltration. “We know that some of the contacts we receive are actually from security services."

Syria: ‘The situation is intolerable’

“In order to protect Christian values, Christians must remain here in the Middle East, where these values are more deeply appreciated,” he said. “In the Western world, with its secularism and globalization, the current is sweeping everything away.”

Iraq: A new kindergarten brings joy and hope

Education is vital for the survival of Iraq’s long-suffering Christian community. Poverty and unemployment are the biggest issues currently facing Christians in the country. To remain in their ancestral homeland, Christians must find stable employment, but a strong education is needed to find secure jobs.

Holy Land: New aid sparks fresh hope

Most Christians in the Holy Land in the Holy Land work in the tourism sector, and they have lost all sources of income since pilgrimages to the region have mostly been canceled. The newly announced aid package includes life-saving medicine, food coupons, and grants for school and university students, as well as housing costs.
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