The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

Iran: ‘A Church without martyrs would be like a tree without fruit’

"Currently we are going through a new period of crisis, which began with the revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. All the Catholic schools and hospitals, which were part of our outreach, were closed, which considerably diminished our presence in society."

Episcopal letter from Aleppo, Syria—’I am happy this Pentecost’

"Yet, despite everything, despite all successive, multiple sufferings and innumerable setbacks, coming home today I am aware of deep inside me being truly happy and satisfied!"

As COVID-19 cases rise, Iraqi patriarch says to stay at home

Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Cardinal Louis Raphael I Sako said the country’s medical services, still shattered after the 2003 collapse of the Saddam Hussein regime, are already in crisis, with coronavirus cases topping 5,000.

In northern Iraq, hope that the pandemic will boost spirit of love

"[Christ] managed to resurrect the dead and heal all kinds of disease. Our belief in him is great. He can end our crisis. And perhaps these difficult circumstances will reconcile us with God.”

With eye on pandemic, ACN launches new emergency aid program for Syrian Christians

Many people in Syria have already reached the end of their strength, as a result of the war and the ongoing economic sanctions. But now they have to face a new enemy, the coronavirus.

In northeastern Syria, Christians are caught between war planes and COVID-19

"Christians are loved in the region, especially since the humanitarian organizations are all Christian, and they provide 80 percent of their aid to Muslims. Going to church, ringing bells is possible as it has always been."
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