The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

In Aleppo, Syria, COVID-19 adds to ongoing suffering, especially for the poor

“The number of Christian families, of all denominations, in Aleppo before the war stood at around 30,000. Now that figure has fallen to around 10,000."

Iraq: Christians desire ‘a real and profound change of the political system’

"Personally, I am optimistic regarding the future of the Christians on the Nineveh Plains and in Iraq. Through education and cultural dialogue, we can overcome obscurantism and violence."

Coronavirus puts economic toll on Christians in the Holy Land

On March 12, the Franciscan Pilgrims Office in Jerusalem cancelled until further notice all Masses booked by pilgrimage tour companies at Holy Land shrines.

From a nun in Syria, a message of hope and faith in the time of COVID-19

“To all our ACN donors, we say very sincerely: ‘Thank you for your enormous generosity. You have helped us for so many years and continue to do so.’"

Education and dialogue hold key to Christians staying in Iraq

In addition to having lost their faith in the future, in the authorities and in a number of their Muslim neighbors—who had initially welcomed ISIS with open arms— Christians are now facing a very precarious economic situation.

In Holy Land, Churches denounce persistent anti-Christian attacks

"The Churches are raising these problems at every level and on numerous occasions, but since their voice is not backed by political and financial weight (we are only 2 percent of the population), it is still not being heard, which moreover raises the problem of legal protection and minority rights.”
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