The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

Iraq: ‘We are a martyred and a suffering Church’

"God and family are the priority in our everyday lives here. They are faithful to His love, in the midst of the danger from external enemies, and from the internal challenges of modern times that threaten to weaken their traditional faith."
Archbishop Warda

Iraqi prelate discusses effect of US-Iran relations on christians in iraq

"The confrontation between the two powers must not escalate.” He added that “Iraq has been suffering from proxy wars for decades; they have torn our country apart.”

Syriac Catholic Patriarch visits northern Iraq: ‘We have to always hope against all hope’

“It’s very sad to say, and I’ve said this many times:  Christians of the Middle East have not only been abandoned; they have been betrayed by the civilized countries of the West."

This Christmas, ACN donors bring smiles to 19,000 children in Syria

“[ACN] brings smiles to more than 19,000 children all over Syria because of your Christmas gifts.”

In Homs, Syria, a Christian family finally goes home for Christmas

"I can’t even begin to describe the joy I am feeling. After so much suffering and uncertainty, I feel safe again. I am filled with hope for a better life. Christmas reminds me of the feeling of security that comes from being in a family.”

Aid specialist warns that Christians in Iraq and Syria face new risk of genocide

“Christians are the soul of the country and they play a very important role in Middle Eastern societies. They are the peacemakers. Christians work for peace and peaceful co-existence and collaboration for the good of the country.”
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