The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

In Syria, catechism is ‘helping heal spiritual wounds of war’

"I am a religious, and my first responsibility is to bear witness spiritually and help people. This is what moves me. We lived through the war and witnessed it up close. Catechesis is important in helping to heal the wounds.”

Syria: ‘The thought of continuing my studies was what kept my hopes alive’

“Being able to continue with my studies is what has helped me to remain hopeful and stay happy through these years. Now I want to be able to deepen my knowledge and help other people here in my country.”

Iraq: Church leaders urge more support for Christians resettling on the Nineveh Plains

Funding is falling short, the statement said, noting that “there is still a lot to do” to facilitate the return of Christians “to their respective ancestral communities from which they were expelled” as ISIS swept through the region in the summer of 2014.

Pope lights candle for peace in Syria—launch of ACN’s Advent campaign

“May this prayer make them feel the closeness of God, who is faithful, and touch every conscience to bring about a sincere commitment to peace. May God, our Lord, forgive those who make war, those who make weapons to destroy each other. We pray for peace in beloved Syria.”

In Iraq, a Christian politician surveys a troubled landscape

"There is fear that the ISIS will return to our region, perhaps under a different name. That’s because of the lack of political unity in Iraq; and Christians have no confidence in their country’s political leadership, with legislators looking out for their own interests and discriminating against Christians."

Chaldean Patriarch has high hopes for Kurdistan parliamentary elections

'We need further help to rebuild the [Christian] villages in the Nineveh Plains, destroyed by ISIS. We need that the government grows and improves its services. Finally, we want to put an end to corruption [and the activities of] militia."
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