The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

Brooklyn Diocese lends support to Christians in the Middle East

“Christians in Iraq and Syria, in particular, have been threatened with extinction and need all the help they can get.”

‘It is not possible to imagine a Middle East without Christians’

"To hear these Christians forgiving and praying for those who persecuted them is a testimony to the action of the Lord. Humanly speaking, it is extremely difficult to forgive someone who has driven you out of your home, who has caused you to lose everything or murdered one of your loved ones.”

In Egypt, Coptic MP fights for the rights of Christians

"Egyptians have from childhood on been fed a rhetoric of hate, with the message that Christians are infidels. How do you suddenly tell people that Christians are good?”

Church fills gap in medical care for Syria’s ‘Valley of the Christians’

“People come to us asking for help and tell us that in other hospitals they couldn’t get treatment because they did not have enough money. We don’t simply tell them to go away; we try to help them in every way we can."

Wartime in Aleppo: ‘many days were like living in a movie’

“I have two older brothers, both of whom have gone abroad, the first as an immigrant to Canada, and the second is waiting in Lebanon for his papers so that he can go to Europe. Now, my mother, my father and I are living together, hoping for their return. Honestly, I feel that I have started to hate Europe because it has stolen from us friends and loved ones; it has robbed us of the sight of them. Yet, my faith is great, and I feel that all will return, even after many years."

Pope auctions Lamborghini, proceeds help resettle Iraqi Christians

“The Pope never stops showing Iraqi Christians that he is there for them. This gift fills us with great hope and is a source of tremendous encouragement! It is important for us to remain here, to resume our lives in Iraq and to bear witness to our faith and to the values of the Gospel.”
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