The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

In Cairo, blood flows again at Coptic church

"Despite the pain inside my heart—I miss my mother desperately—I am happy because she is a martyr and I don’t feel afraid of the terrorists anymore. "
In the Middle East Christians remain under siege, with ACN helping the Church in Syria survive, physically and spiritually

Syrian bishop avoids certain death, as bomb hits his bedroom

“Providence watches over his little servant, but now I am exiled like 12 million Syrian refugees who have nothing left.”

First Christmas Mass in Mosul since 2014—Muslims lend a hand

“The efforts of the Churches to recreate a stable and peaceful environment for the local population have borne further fruit."
The suffering Church in Cairo

In Cairo, a Christmas season tinged with sorrow

“He was still alive and, looking me in the eyes, he told me to take care of my younger sister and brother; and he gave me the keys to the church gate and to our apartment. I will always remember his smile right before he died."
First Christmas on the Nineveh Plains

Despite uncertainty, Christians in Iraq, Syria are urged to ‘keep Bethlehem in their hearts’

“Everyone who is helping to rebuild there is investing their personal courage and vision for the future. That is the foundation for rebuilding relations between people.”
Telleskuf, St. George's Church in Telleskuf

Post-ISIS, the first Catholic Church is re-consecrated on Nineveh Plains

"ISIS thought they could eliminate us, and yet it is ISIS that has disappeared and we have returned to Telleskuf."
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