The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

Middle East: ‘When you can’t find joy, create it’

In both countries, clothes are almost unobtainable. Sister Annie Demerjian of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary, who has worked on this project with ACN for years, laments, “Many families here can only dream of new clothes! These days, to buy a pair of trousers, a shirt, and shoes in Syria, you need two months of minimum wage.”

Gaza parish damaged by attacks

While the situation in Gaza worsens every day, thousands of Christians in the Holy Land have already benefited from ACN support, including meals, food coupons, payments for rent or utilities, and medical supplies.

Emigration, sanctions, and corruption hurt Syria

"The serious challenges facing our country are the results of corruption and the oppressive sanctions of Syria, which directly affect the people."

Middle East: Fewer Catholic schools spell more extremism

"But if we don’t keep Catholic schools going, the consequences will be serious for the whole country. Some Islamist institutions are waiting to jump into the gap. The children would then be ideologically indoctrinated, which would lead to more extremism.”

Help for Christians caught in Holy Land crisis

ACN is supporting an initiative of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem (LPJ) to secure a constant supply of necessities, including hygiene kits, medicine, food, and fuel, for the isolated Christian communities in the Gaza Strip.

Lebanon: Bishop urges international community to end Holy Land conflict

“The international community has an obligation to implement the two-state solution. If not, it will be an open conflict for decades, or centuries, because no one wants to leave their country and their land."
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