Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

Italy: High-level meeting honors priest kidnapped in Syria

Sanctions in addition to the mass emigration of young people facing low salaries and few jobs, make it increasingly likely that the political and military events of recent years will lead to the gradual disappearance of Christians in the Middle East.

Iraqi president has ‘humiliated’ the Church

In an interview with Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), the Patriarch said that reversing the decree was part of a political campaign to silence him, render him powerless and seize control of churches and other Chaldean buildings.

ACN gives Syrian and Lebanese youth a taste of World Youth Day

More than 1,000 young people are expected to attend the gathering on Mount Lebanon, which will take place as Pope Francis meets the young people in Lisbon and is designed to mirror the traditional set-up of the WYD, with a Via Crucis, an adoration, catechesis sessions, and workshops, as well as a large final Mass.

Aid to the Church in Need increases aid for youth in troubled regions

After more than a decade of war and, consequently, an unstable economy,ACN will help 45,574 young people participate in 273 summer camps, which aim to recover their stamina and heal their wounds.

In Iraq, a new generation of leaders

“What we aspire to is a generation of conscious youth, who will become part of the Church’s presence in Iraq. The Ankawa Youth Meeting is a big part of realizing this hope. It builds faith and friendships, removes isolation, and impacts their lives and their families.”

Egyptian martyrs bring orthodox, Catholics closer together

The Sirte Martyrs will be celebrated on February 15, the date of their deaths, on both calendars, making them the first saints to be honored by both Churches since they split following the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD.
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