The Voice of the suffering in Middle East

A pillar of the Church in Egypt dies

Bishop Kyrillos oversaw the largest Coptic Catholic diocese in Egypt for 31 years, and during that period he became renowned for his efforts to strengthen the spirit of cooperation between all Egyptians.

‘Without Christians there will be no peace in Lebanon’

In 2019, most Lebanese dioceses saw their money in the banking system vanish overnight, making it difficult for them to afford to pay for the tuition and formation of their seminarians.

In Syria, successors of kidnapped bishops live in hope

They were travelling together April 22, 2013, when their vehicle was stopped by suspected islamist militants. Their driver, a Syriac Orthodox deacon, was shot and killed on the spot, but the two hierarchs were taken and have not been heard from since.

Churches in the Holy Land warn of anti-Christian attacks

“Over the past year, some of our churches, funeral processions, and places of public gathering have become targets of attack; some of our holy sites and cemeteries have been desecrated; and some of our ancient liturgies, such as the Palm Sunday Procession and the Holy Fire Ceremony, have been closed off to thousands of worshipers."

Archbishop: ‘We want to be treated as Iraqi citizens’

"We don't ask for anything special as Christians, we want to be treated just as Iraqi citizens, equal to anybody else, no more, no less. We want our human dignity to be respected as all other Iraqi people.”

Syria: “You journeyed with our suffering people until death”

He was injured during the Syrian war, in 2012, when a staircase collapsed during a bombing, crushing his hands and much of his face.
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