Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Archbishop in Haiti: “Our people want to live”

"I am now starting my sixth year as the archbishop of Port-au-Prince, and it is really very difficult. Until now, I have not been able to achieve even a quarter of what I had intended, because one must cope with daily life – and this daily life consists of suffering, ...

Christians in Holy Land live essence of Holy Week

"Good Friday has a very strong meaning because you see the suffering. We see the cross. Once we had a 24-hour prayer vigil in our church, and we prayed all the Psalms. We called the celebration ‘the Church under the cross.’ This is our place as Christians. We are the ...

Bishops of Haiti plead for an end to violence

In their message, the bishops encourage all national agencies and players to find a solution to the current crisis and to restore peace and security for all Haitians. They also ask for the establishment of an inclusive transitional government, capable of ensuring true national harmony.

ACN fights Christian exodus in Syria and Lebanon

Both Muslims and Christians are leaving, but the number of Christians in Syria is so small that their departure would call into question the very existence of Christianity in the country. According to current estimates, only around 175,000 Christian families remain.

Ukraine: “God’s grace is greater than the horrors of war”

“Many ask me: ‘How can God allow this to happen?’ It is very difficult for me to answer. But I draw my strength from Eucharistic adoration.”

Bishop in Nigeria: Government must provide security

According to information received by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), the village was attacked in the early hours of Sunday, February 18th, leaving 11 dead, including five children, and seven injured.

SAT-7: A lifeline for Christians in Muslim countries

The channel goes to great lengths to make sure none of its viewers are put in danger, and those who work in the head offices are trained to detect infiltration. “We know that some of the contacts we receive are actually from security services."

Turkey: The forgotten Holy Land

The ancient city of Ephesus, which includes the House of the Virgin Mary and St. John’s tomb, is also located in the archdiocese. It is the land where St. Paul and St. John first preached the Gospel.  But despite this rich heritage, there are only “150,000 Christians among the approximately ...

Central African Republic: A faithful shepherd

"On the one hand, I am anxious, but on the other, I feel a deep trust in God. The strength to be a bishop does not come from myself, but from the Lord. I did not seek this ministry. Jesus said, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen ...
Major Archbishop Svativlav Shevchuck

ACN Honors Christian Martyrs at St. Patrick’s Cathedral

His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuck said, “I express gratitude to Catholics in the US and worldwide, to His Eminence Cardinal Dolan, and to Aid to the Church in Need and for the support we experience every day.  Many of our bishops and most of our priests were supported by scholarships from ...
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