Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Pakistan bishop: No justice for Jaranwala

Bishop Rehmat said, “More than 300 people were arrested [following the attack], but it is unlikely that they will face justice. Slowly, they have started releasing them. Nobody has been charged.”

Sudan: War leaves country without seminarians

Though a minority, the Church has always been a “safe harbor” for the population, and at the start of the war, . Now this refuge is fragile.

Seminary looted as security worsens in Haiti

“For over six hours, the bandits continued to plunder, burn, and steal. Finally, the religious and the staff members managed to escape. Some of them took refuge in the formation house, a 30-minute walk from the seminary, and others went into the streets, or in the cathedral, beside the school,."

In Ukraine, everyday life is the Way of the Cross

Jesus was executed. Nailed to a cross. Inna felt her husband die twice. He was killed in the first stages of the war in 2014, and the city of Irpin put up a poster in his honor. She later learned that occupying soldiers shot through the poster. She felt like ...

A kidnapped priest’s Way of the Cross in Nigeria

"I realized later that I had been quite lucky. The driver of the car immediately after mine was shot dead, and if the priest who had wanted to accompany me had been in the car, he almost certainly would have been killed as well."

India: Reports of increased Christian persecution

According to the United Christian Forum for Human Rights (UCF), an Indian ecumenical organization that tracks incidents of persecution against Christians of all denominations, at least 161 cases were reported in just the first three months of 2024.

Archbishop in Haiti: “Our people want to live”

"I am now starting my sixth year as the archbishop of Port-au-Prince, and it is really very difficult. Until now, I have not been able to achieve even a quarter of what I had intended, because one must cope with daily life – and this daily life consists of suffering, ...

Christians in Holy Land live essence of Holy Week

"Good Friday has a very strong meaning because you see the suffering. We see the cross. Once we had a 24-hour prayer vigil in our church, and we prayed all the Psalms. We called the celebration ‘the Church under the cross.’ This is our place as Christians. We are the ...

Bishops of Haiti plead for an end to violence

In their message, the bishops encourage all national agencies and players to find a solution to the current crisis and to restore peace and security for all Haitians. They also ask for the establishment of an inclusive transitional government, capable of ensuring true national harmony.

ACN fights Christian exodus in Syria and Lebanon

Both Muslims and Christians are leaving, but the number of Christians in Syria is so small that their departure would call into question the very existence of Christianity in the country. According to current estimates, only around 175,000 Christian families remain.
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