Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

National Review: ACN Outreach Director discusses Christianity in Iraq

One of Iraq’s most prominent Christian leaders has deeper concerns. On the fifth anniversary of the ISIS invasion of northern Iraq, Bashar Warda of the Chaldean Catholic archdiocese of Erbil, Kurdistan, stresses that “Christianity in Iraq is perilously close to extinction.”

Pope Francis to visit Madagascar, a nation mired in conflict

“At a broader level there is a mentality of entrenched thinking, of institutionalized corruption, which continues to undermine the future of Magascar.”

In Crimea, faith-based summer camps bring ray of hope

"Many families cannot afford to go on holiday. However, the risk of becoming addicted to computers, the internet, drugs or alcohol is particularly high for children and adolescents who spend their holidays on the streets, bored."

ACN supports ‘healing for the wounds of the heart’ for bombing victims in Sri Lanka

To provide for their needs, the Archdiocese of Colombo has set up a team of 40 certified trauma therapists. They provide psychological care for grieving, injured and other severely traumatized people.

In Burkina Faso, bishop calls for support against jihadists

"When they come to the villages they shoot for hours. Who is supplying them with these resources? If they were not getting this support from outside, they would have to stop. That’s why I’m appealing to the international authorities. Whoever has the power to do so, may they put a ...

Philippines: Hundreds march to express solidarity with bishops charged with sedition

"Let us stand in solidarity and unity in our prayers. We pray for the safety of the bishops and all those wrongfully charged, that they might find strength in these trying times."

Iraqi Christians fear appointment of Islamic judges to country’s highest court

IN A COUNTRY where Christians have been subject to targeted bombings, kidnapping, and discrimination, Church leaders are grappling with a new crisis: an attempt to give Islamic clerics voting rights on Iraq’s highest court, the Federal Supreme Court. The move, which is under consideration by the Iraqi Parliament, would bring ...

Sri Lanka bombings hurt people of all faiths

“THE PEOPLE HERE are good, but the government is bad.” This is the opinion of a Buddhist taxi driver. It’s a view is one widely held in Sri Lanka today. Ever since it became known that authorities had been warned by India’s secret service about the planned terrorist attacks that ...

In Syria, a teen’s faith helps during civil war

PITER ESSA, 17, just graduated from High School in Aleppo, Syria. Piter, who is Syriac-Orthodox, tells Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) about some of his painful experiences during his country’s civil war: “I’ve survived this awful war, and I live my life like I used to. My school ...

Pope Francis blesses 6,000 rosaries, gifts to console Syrian families—ACN sponsors initiative

niON THE FEAST of the Assumption, August 15, Pope Francis, during the Angelus prayer in St Peter’s Square, blessed 6,000 rosaries destined for Syria. They will be given to Christians in Syria who have had relatives or family members abducted or murdered during the civil war. This is part of ...
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