Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Church in Sri Lanka St.-Sebastian-Church-in-Negombo

Christians in Sri Lanka are still in a state of shock

Many Christians are severely traumatized and reluctant to go inside a church: “Many told me that they are afraid to enter a church at the moment or feel fear when they hear the bells ring.”

West African bishops meet in Burkina Faso against backdrop of jihadist terror

"Both the West African bishops and the government in Burkina Faso have spoken out clearly: ‘we will not let them divide us. They will not be able to separate us into warring religious and ethnic groups.’ Because that is exactly what the terrorists want to see happen."

In Pakistan, discrimination turns violent for a Catholic teenager

"It is dangerous for me in Pakistan. I have never felt respected, and I have never been able to worship freely. My textbook says that Jesus Christ is not the son of God, and that Christians are idolaters: I have no hope for peace, or religious tolerance."

In Indonesia, Non-Muslims Face bans in their community

“This village rule contradicts Indonesian law: the Pancasila, the country’s official philosophical foundation, as well as our constitution. Intolerance like this must be avoided so that Yogyakarta’s reputation is not damaged."

Boko Haram, Fulani Islamist attacks on Christians are on the rise in Nigeria

"We consider each day we live in safety a blessing, because we do not know what will happen the next day. It is very difficult to be a Christian in this part of the world, but our faith encourages us to bravely bear witness to the Gospel."

In Burkina Faso, a Sister uses music to fight forces of darkness

... [T]he lyrics also emphasize the “necessity of training priests and nuns, so that they can be the leaders of a population capable of creating a climate of peace—and so ensure that Burkina Faso can reconnect with its history of peace and tolerance.”

India: for Kandhamal Christians, bitter memories of a massacre linger on

“The wound of Kandhamal has not yet healed, and the global Christian community must remember that. The rest of India would like you to forget, but we must not allow the erasure of hate and violence from the public consciousness."

Hindu nationalist win worries religious minorities in India

"Hindu nationalism is growing and the minorities—both the Christians and the Muslims—often find ourselves abandoned in the face of social injustice and discrimination for religious reasons, which happens quite openly."

Burkina Faso: Terrorists kill a priest, nine lay people in back-to-back attacks

“Father Simeon died on Good Shepherd Sunday, which is a moving sign. It is important to emphasize that his funeral on May 13 was attended not only by two government ministers and by Church representatives, but also by many animists and Muslims who are completely opposed to these barbaric acts."

Asia Bibi flies to freedom, making her way to Canada

“We thank God that the family is now being reunited at long last. We pray to God that they will have a better future and can put behind them nearly 10 years of suffering. We thank God that justice has prevailed.”
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