Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

In Sri Lanka, where faithful are afraid, ‘peace is the way’

Father Malaka Leonard Fernando is the Minister Provincial of the Vice Province of our Lady of Lanka, Sri Lanka, of the Third Order Regular Franciscans. His residence is just half less than from Katuwapitiya, where St. Sebastian’s Church was bombed on Easter morning. The Congregation also has a Friary just ...
Service in Sri Lanka

Easter morning suicide bombings of churches, hotels in Sri Lanka kill more than 250

In a message to ACN donors, Bishop Mendis said that “we need your prayers that peace and harmony may be restored to our country.” He concluded: “As an act of solidarity, we must pray for all Christians who are suffering because of their faith.”

In Pakistan, state schools are a harsh environment for Christians

“Despite what I’ve experienced, I believe that I will be successful. And when I worry, I recite Psalm 23; I always carry a rosary with me as well."

Fire gravely damages Notre-Dame: ‘watch, pray, do not be discouraged’

Guided by this hope, as the Easter Triduum draws near, ACN invites all to watch and pray, for the Church in France and for the Universal Church; to watch and pray at the foot of the cross, at the side of Our Lady—and not be discouraged.

Church in Syria suffers ‘bleeding wound’ of emigration

"We have to strengthen the faith of the people, anchor them in this country, and encourage them to be witnesses of Christ, to be the salt of the earth and light of the world: we cannot allow our presence here to become insignificant."

Nicaragua: a Church on the side of the people works for peace

“The Church is accompanying the process of dialogue that was initiated after the protests, but as a service to the country. We are not interested in power, but in supporting the efforts for peace, without looking for any benefit other than the good of the country."

Bishop says Gulf States want control of Central African Republic

“Thousands of mercenaries, most of them foreigners, have invaded the country from the north aided by the Gulf States and by Chad and with the complicity of other countries, such as Sudan and Niger. Their aim is to divide up the country and they are helping themselves like pitiless predators ...

In Venezuela, with medicines lacking or too costly, a doctor laments: ‘We are simply watching people die’

In her moving account, the doctor describes how, after cleaning up the wound, she went looking for the little girl’s father to explain to him the gravity of his daughter’s condition; she found him kneeling on the floor, weeping.

Iraqi prelate waits, longs for better times for his Church and his people

"However, we still lack the funds to complete the reconstruction of all the homes that were very badly damaged or completely destroyed; we are waiting and hoping that governments, like those of the United Kingdom and Hungary, will step in and help us on this front."

In Ukraine, ‘people are yearning for oases of peace’

"My impression is that the young people who discover this community for themselves no longer want to leave their country, in spite of all the difficulties. They want to remain and make a difference."
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